Thank you so much for this post! This was very informative. Lots of great ideas for how to delight the customer by providing exclusive books and book-related products to buy.
I get all the articles from the different platforms you have, but I can't seem to find one I briefly read on my phone, before I lost it. The article was about being able to set up the payment plan so the readers can have an option for a one time donation rather than having the monthly subscription only option. Can you please help point me to that article please? Thank you.
Thanks. I'm still somwhat new to substack and slowly getting to learn how it works.
I wanted to support your kickstarter when i saw the link yesterday but was in my phone and I have no kick starter account. It seems yesterday was the last day?
Sounds great. I'm in no hurry for books. Would love to support since you're always generous with your insights. I'm still new here but the few articles I've read from you have been so helpful.
Thank you so much for this post! This was very informative. Lots of great ideas for how to delight the customer by providing exclusive books and book-related products to buy.
Yay! Glad it was helpful :)
Thank you for this excellent post Russell. It was detailed, informative and comprehensive. Appreciate it.
Yay! Glad it can be helpful :)
I get all the articles from the different platforms you have, but I can't seem to find one I briefly read on my phone, before I lost it. The article was about being able to set up the payment plan so the readers can have an option for a one time donation rather than having the monthly subscription only option. Can you please help point me to that article please? Thank you.
It wasn’t an article. It was a note. Here you go :)
Thanks. I'm still somwhat new to substack and slowly getting to learn how it works.
I wanted to support your kickstarter when i saw the link yesterday but was in my phone and I have no kick starter account. It seems yesterday was the last day?
yup. It's been live since November. It's hard to believe this is the last day, but it is.
I can still get it today? If so I'll do so now that i have my company to go thru the kickstarter registration.
You can pledge today for sure. The books won't be sent for a little bit, but you can certainly pledge today.
Sounds great. I'm in no hurry for books. Would love to support since you're always generous with your insights. I'm still new here but the few articles I've read from you have been so helpful.